Location: Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Cool Web site!!!!

Hey, I don't get excited too often by a new web site that I stumble upon, but this one is GOOD, my friends! Check out: iTools - a "quick access to the best Internet tools." You have "Search Tools", "Language Tools", and "Research Tools". The "Search Tools" give you several options, such as web search, Google video search, web directory, discussion groups and even finding other people in the U.S. and Canada.

The "Language Tools" would be quite helpful for genealogists, with options of English to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Portuguese and Spanish to English, French to English, German to English and Portuguese to English.

"Research Tools" include checking encyclopedias, newspapers, biographies, quotations, topic guides and so forth. Again, a broad range of searching for a variety of purposes, but definitely useful for the genealogist!

Success in the search!!!!!


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