Location: Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Getting organized?

You know, I have to confess publicly that I'm a "stackoholic". Stacks and stacks of family groups sheets, pedigree charts, research notes, copies of book pages and documents, census extractions, other people's correspondence about our shred family history, files with possible leads and links, and so forth. Now multiply thiry years of genealogical research, history research, saved letters and pictures, inherited piles of other materials that couldn't be thrown away as the grandparents died and you may have a glimmer of an idea of my dilemna!

What system do you use to tame the paper monster? How do you organize all of your research?

Has the computer age made your life easier or created twice as many stacks because we all know that you need a hard copy of what you have electronically stored? And how many of us started out on the old Apple II, in what seems like eons ago, and have upgraded computers numerous times and now have to deal with all of those complications as well?


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