Location: Minnesota, United States

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Resources for Research via your Local Library

Always on the look-out for the free and inexpensive resources for my genealogical and history research, I checked the Hennepin County Library homepage for their "Genealogy" links and classes. I was surprised to see not only "Heritage Quest", purchased with funding from my own property taxes, but the "Biography and Genealogy Master Index and" the "Historical New York Times, 1851-2001". An easy link for Catalog searches is at the top of the right bar, along with classes offered, events and other relevant information links, such as "Databases vs. Websites" and "Citing Electronic Sources". The site is attractive, easy to navigate and useful for any level of researcher. You should check your local and state libraries, as you may already have free access through your library card and don't even know it!

Success in the search!


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