Location: Minnesota, United States

Monday, August 22, 2005

FEEFHS Conference

Now I can feel like Dick Eastman and review the highlights of a genealogy conference with my readers! The FEEFHS conference was held this last weekend in St. Paul- this is a national organization emphasizing Central and Eastern European Genealogy. There were about 200 people there on Friday morning, though I believe that quite a few more showed up on Saturday. I saw name tags from Massachusetts and California and many Wisconsities and we enjoyed our lunches together but not the freezing temps in the various rooms- most folks wore sweaters and jackets indoors the whole weekend.

Dee Semon was the opening speaker and she used examples of her family's genealogical experiences to rev researchers up for the next three days of sessions. I attended the presentations on Meyers-Orts, Still Can't Find my Place Name, Developing an Online Genealogy Resource Group, Gleaning More From Maps, A Contrast of Research Procedures between NW Germany and Southern Germany, LDS Military Records for the Czech, German-Bohemians, and Slovaks, German Patronymic Names and presented my own lecture on the Genealogy Resources of the Immigration History Research Center. Some vendors set up tables in the common area between all of the conference rooms and they had some browsers and some buyers- I got a book on clearance for $6, normally $20 that I can use immediately for more German research. One table was full of free goodies, including a population distribution map of Minnesota and of the seven county metro area on the back. I also put in two hours of research at the Minnesota Historical Society and I got to meet and talk to two of my genealogy heroes, Larry O. Jensen and Ed Brandt, so I was a happy camper!

In general, some of the presenters delivered what the title and syllabus offered/printed and some did not. One recurring theme was that if it wasn't microfilmed yet and available through Salt Lake City, that doesn't mean that the record doesn't exist and also to continue networking as researchers- both good messages! Several presenters highlighted the fact that we have to know our history to be good genealogists- amen to that. My personal favorite was the Online Resource Groups- one more item on my "to-do" list. I walked away wondering the best way to utilize the new knowledge and skills that I gained and am grateful for the syllabus materials, so I can read through other sessions I was unable to attend.


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