Location: Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Another branch of the continuing and expanding influences of genetic genealogy today brings us to anthrogenealogy. The definition being used is that of: "the study of deep genealogical origins through the means of genetics."

Now, we all hear about the potential branches of the family tree being solidly linked through the newest scientific solutions, but caution must be advised for those seeking a quick break-through of the perpetual "brick wall". The genetic matches and possiblities are established by genetic testing and genetic markers demonstrating reltionships, however, anthrogenealogy won't replace the research and documentation portion of through genealogical research and it won't give us specific names for our pedigree charts and family group sheets. It can definitely rule out or rule in the branches of the family being tested as being related or not, however, I see anthrogenealogy more like another sign post to help us in the right direction, eliminating a "road to travel".

For me, I could see its potential impact on my William E. Dupuy line- firmly establishing my theory that we are NOT part of the Count Bartholomew Dupuy line.


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