Location: Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fmily Tree Problem Solver book by Marsha Hoffman Rising

I have to recommend a book for you as you hit the "brick wall" of genealogical research. Marsha Hoffman Rising published The Family Tree Problem Solver: Proven Methods for Scaling the Inevitable Brick Wall in 2005 to adress the most common issues facing most family history researchers. I especially appreciated the case studies for the Midwest that she presented for her various suggstions. What stood out particularly was the advice to follow collateral lines to solve your direct line tangles and dead ends.

Her writing style is easy to comprehend and her suggestions are practical. She dispells some of the common myths, like "I can't find anything because the courthouse burned down". I wished that she had cited more online research site possibilities personally, since that is the avenue of first choice for the majority of beginning researchers today.

Success in the search!


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