Location: Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Have you tried Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia yet?

If you haven't, you are in for a treat, as these articles are all generated by digitally-connected, educated readers, who share their expertise. At present, there are over 719,000 articles in over 80 different langauges, ranging from the more common universal languages, such as English, German, and Spanish to Latin, Esperanato, Hebrew, Korean, Chinese, Kurdish, and Tatar. It's a fount of universal donations from multiple sources internationally generated since 2001. One of the pages' goals is to have a less biased entry for all of the topics by having a global readership, adding, editing and refining the entries.

The genealogy entries, for example, range from a general overview, to genetic analysis, modern research and organizations, reliability of sources and sources of records, which have links and basic descriptions at every step of the way. While I could not find a reference or link to a pedigree chart or a family group sheet in the basic overview and accompnaying articles, I have the opportunity to add that information to the encyclopedia, if I so choose.


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